Rowling on Failure

Why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.

J.K. Rowling

What a thing to say. What a place to reach in your life where you come to terms with your failures in a way that they become your stepping stones to yourself. (If that’s not alchemy it’s stoic. ) When it comes to what I can bring into this world as both an individual and as part of the human collective, it’s writing for me. Not just the act of writing but the entire process. The solitude, the connections, the gathering of ideas and exchange of lessons, imagination, and inspiration; that all excites me. The whole process of writing is something that matters to me. What’s nice about this is that it takes the pressure off the rest of my life.

Finding out what matters to me in life and doing it regardless of external factors is something I’ll always be willing to invest in.

Published by Jayne

Jayne is a writer. On her free time she likes to be with her family hiking outdoors and traveling. New England is her home and place of birth. When asked what she wants to teach the world she replied, "Don't stop searching. Too many times, in my old life, I put my search aside for more 'important matters.' I didn't realize the thing I was searching for held what was most important; my soul purpose." Jayne works daily on improving her craft and at times can get down on herself, but her favorite morning mantra is "It's a new day." and that's what she strives to start with.

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