Benefits of Boredom

“Used correctly, boredom can help you demolish your writer’s block, strike upon new ideas, and produce prose to be proud of.” -Writers Treasure

“It is the fear of boredom, and the ease of distraction from boredom – enabled by the internet and smartphones – that is dangerous to writing. Little wonder Kingsley Amis said ‘the art of writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair.’ We have to be willing, as writers, to embrace boredom and resist that desire to flee its embrace.” -Professor Wu on Nothing in the Rulebook.

Writers, we choose a life of exploration when we choose the writers life. There’s no one way to explore, but it is for sure that boredom is a wise path to take.

Give yourself permission to slow down.

Stoicism for Moms

“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not.” -Epictetus

Motherhood can be an amazing journey, but like most things of value in life it also comes with its challenges. Stoicism, a philosophy that emphasizes reason, virtue, and resilience, can offer some valuable tips for moms. Here’s three that stand out to me most:

1. Practice acceptance: Kids will make silly mistakes, have meltdowns, and things often don’t go according to plan. Accepting these realities while focusing on solutions can bring peace of mind. And boy do I love peace.

6. Remember, it’s temporary: The difficult phases, like nights without sleep or potty training mishaps, won’t last forever. Appreciate the precious moments and enjoy each stage of your child’s development.

7. Live in the present: I’m going to be honest, motherhood can be overwhelming, with worries about the future and guilt about the past. Stoicism encourages mindfulness and focusing on the present moment, where you can truly connect with your child.

What I learned from writing this post ist that Stoicism isn’t about becoming emotionless robots (which is what I used think). It’s about finding inner strength, managing your emotions, and approaching challenges with reason and perspective. By applying these principles, you can navigate the joys and difficulties of motherhood with greater resilience, grace, and peace.

Embrace the Imperfect Draft

Today’s a great day to embrace the imperfect draft.

Let go of perfectionism. The first draft is for exploration, not publication. Don’t be afraid to write badly, because you can always edit well later. Just get it down while it’s fresh in your mind, and hash out the details later.

“I’m getting the ideas out,” is a cool mantra you can use when your inner critic tries to stop you.

Most successful writers swear by the imperfect draft. It’s the only path for revision which is where the magic happens. So write freely, and embrace the beautiful mess that is your first draft!

Cotton Candy Grapes

My family loves Cotton Candy Grapes. Anytime we find them on the shelves (which isn’t often) we snatch up a bag and finish them within the next couple days. According the the Grapery website you can get their Non-GMO Cotton Candy grapes between mid August to late September. Other brands may sell them earlier.

If you’re looking for a sweet treat to make memories with your kids, these are a great option.

The Mayans

Today, I’m interested in the Mayans. So I’m sharing what I found.

“The Mayan Empire, centered in the tropical lowlands of what is now Guatemala, reached the peak of its power and influence around the sixth century A.D. The Maya excelled at agriculture, pottery, writing, calendars and mathematics, and left behind an astonishing amount of impressive architecture and symbolic artwork.” Taken from History . com.

I’d love to learn more about their arts culture. Here is a mural that represents a parade of musicians.

Very cool. I now have a new place I want to visit.

Rebel Moon Part Two: The Scargiver

Rebel Moon Part Two: The Scargiver is out!! I can’t wait to watch it!

I couldn’t stop watching the first part of Rebel Moon. It really snuck up on me. I started to watch Part Two Sunday, but I was too sleepy to focus. I didn’t want to miss anything. I want the good guys to win. I want to see the bad guys lose! This seems like the type of series where the bad guys lose.

We will see.

Are you going to watch it?

Earth Day

I love this image by Silvia Bancora! I found it on kreafolk . com

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd each year to raise awareness about the importance of protecting nature.

“A nation has to love and protect the lakes, rivers, forests, birds, bears, flowers and seas of the geography they live on!
― Mehmet Murat ildan

Earth Day is a call to action, encouraging people to take steps to protect the environment. There are many ways to get involved. Here’s a few ideas: participate in local clean-up events, reduce your use of plastic, or advocate for environmental policies.

Happy Earth Day!! Thanks for doing your part!

Ways to Decompress

Just had to use some of these myself today.

  • Take a warm bath or shower: Soak in a tub with Epsom salts or essential oils, or take a relaxing shower. The warm water can help ease muscle tension and promote relaxation.
  • Listen to calming music: Put on some soothing music, nature sounds, or white noise to block out distractions and promote relaxation.
  • Deep breathing: It’s a simple but powerful technique. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this for a few minutes to calm your mind and body.
  • Set boundaries: Let people know you’re taking some time for yourself and won’t be reachable immediately.

Experiment and find what works best for you. The key is to find healthy ways to manage stress and create some time for relaxation in your day.

Life’s Grand Adventures

Going from Stay at home mama to working full time mama has been a fantastic adventure. I’m changing so much. The things I need and desire are completely different.

My confidence is different. My focus is different. To be honest sometimes the change feels wrong but I just take time to remind myself that change is all part of this adventure. ✨️