Misaligned Power

When you know what you want does it matter how you get it? What drives us as human beings is desire. It is in our power to get as close to our desires as we can. And it’s imperative to human development to learn how to use our power. Now before we go on IContinue reading “Misaligned Power”

The Possibilities Are Endless!

Day 33 of 50I SPEAK Todays Affirmation: I don’t need to know exactly what to say in every situation. I feel my 5th chakra confidence growing. Now that I’ve been thinking about these affirmations for 33 days now, I find that I have more room for acceptance. My words are valuable not because they areContinue reading “The Possibilities Are Endless!”

5th Chakra for 50 Days

I’m spending the next 50 days focused on my 5th Chakra. Join me The 5th Chakra is the throat chakra and is called Vishudda. According to Healthline.com, it is connected to communication and speaking your inner truth. Day 1 I, like many others, have social anxiety. So over the next few weeks I thought itContinue reading “5th Chakra for 50 Days”


I posted a little snip it of me and my little one sniggling which gave me a great idea! I wanted to ask Google Bard about the importance of snuggling and Bard came through! I’ll share an awesome life Bard gave me about snuggling but first go check out these amazing snuggles ok now thatContinue reading “Snuggles”

We’re talking about Peace this week.

The best gift you can give especially during the holidays when we’re scrambling in the cold dark months, is peace. I think taking intentional steps to find peace is important. Where action originates are our thoughts so today I wanted to share a few affirmations that focus on peace. Here’s a couple affirmation from zannakeithley.com/Continue reading “We’re talking about Peace this week.”

Home is When I’m Writing

Home is where the heart is. This week’s theme is about minding your home. Home is whereever we feel a strong sense of connection. It took me some time to understand my writing space. Writing for me overflows into all of these spaces. Writing for me requires material, emotional, social, mental, and spiritual spaces. SoContinue reading “Home is When I’m Writing”

Cherish Your Emotions

Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them This week’s theme is about minding your home. Home is where we feel a strong sense of connection. Emotional Space Think about how your feeling when you’re around certain people, listening to certain music, doing a certain activity. If you’re feeling good during and after and itContinue reading “Cherish Your Emotions”